Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Catching Up
My next thing to do was pre-register our bookings for the cruise we are taking...the family Christmas present this year. The 1st booking went through fine, printed out the fun pass and on to the next. The next one was for the kids. Couldn't get the computer to accept them no matter what. So I emailed my sister and she said this was a common problem they had too. So I called the Cruise lines and they "fixed" it for me so I could finish. OK, that's done.
I was also going to call the insurance company and try and figure out the changes they are making to our policy but wasn't up to it by this time. Was going to do that this morning but was confronted with another problem. Yes, the computer again.
Last night at 10:30 the digital TV, phones and our computer all stopped working. This has happened about 6 times in the past month. Everything goes out at 10:30 and comes back on the next morning at about 10:00. Of course at 10:30 I'm starting to relax and watch TV and catch up on my you tube, my space, facebook etc. Doesn't look like that was going to happen so I went to bed and was hoping it would be working when I woke up this morning. Well, it didn't but it was only 7:30. I called Time Warner and told them the problem so they are having someone come out today and check it out. I laid down until 10:00 and got back up to check things out and sure enough everything is working again. I don't know what goes on between 10:30 pm and 10:00 am that makes everything quit working. Hopefully the technician will figure it out today.
So anyway, don't know if I'm going to fight the insurance company today or not. But besides that I have about 6 months of paperwork to catch up for my husbands business (don't tell him lol). Since it's the end of the year I need to put it in high gear and get these numbers caught up. I will continue to work on that today.
Besides all that I have a million things going through my head of what I need to do. Thinking of what we need to pack for the cruise. Wondering if I can take my pillow lol. I can only sleep on my pillow, I might have to settle on taking the pillow case and hope that will be good enough. I need to go to the grocery store but I really hate to do that. I like Melissa to go with me but she's been too busy lately so I'm on my own.
Today it looks like I'll be working on paperwork since I have to be here for the cable man. What a fun day...I'm sure I'll get sidetracked along the way somewhere!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Getting ready to cruise!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Vacation Planning
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
DWTS Season 7
What happened to August?
School started in August. Melissa is a sophmore in High School and Archer is a Freshman in College. Archer is loving College...making a lot of friends and having a great time. Melissa is doing good in school but she doesn't like the school she's going to. It has over 2000 kids there and is just too big. She wants to go to a magnet school instead. We'll see how she feels next week.
I got a new cell phone this week. A lavender phone that came with everything but the kitchen sink. Of course all I use it for is to call out and receive calls. But I loved the color and it was a free upgrade so what the heck. Who knows, someday I might want to take some pictures, film a video, listen to mp3, surf the web or use some of the other options that I have no idea how to use.
So as you can see, not much is happening here. Just life going on from one day to the next.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Weight update
A summer of movies
Change of plans
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Snuggles emergency

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Stuck at 25
Friday, June 6, 2008
Weight loss update
Almost Amy Tour
Mother Daughter Time

Last weekend me and my daughter Melissa spent a lot of time together just playing around and having fun. We went to the movies and saw "What Happens In Vegas", which was very funny and we both liked it. Then we went and had some lunch. On Sunday we went and got manicures and pedicures...hence the huge pictures of her hand and foot lol. And a couple of pictures of her. No pictures of me this time, I wasn't picture ready. I did get a manicure and pedicure but didn't feel the need to show everyone mine. Hers was cute, she had flowers on her big toe and ring finger. Needless to say we had a great time together. She is the greatest daughter in the world.
Mothers Day

I'm a bit late in posting this. I received these beautiful flowers from my sister on Mothers Day. It really made my day. It's very seldom someone is so thoughtful to think of me on any occasion. I was so happy when I got them (I think maybe the 1st time in my life I received flowers from anyone). My sister is the greatest person I know and I love her very much. I hope she realizes just how special she is to me.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Graduation 2008

Oh yes, graduation is Monday June 9, 2008. The day most students and their families look forward to. There is a certain pride you feel when you graduate from High School and have the whole world at your fingertips. The parents are proud and start getting their son (or daughter) ready for the new adventure of College. That's the way I heard things should go anyway. My son is refusing to walk the stage and receive his diploma...says they will mail it to him! So I haven't been able to mail out any invitations. I would hate to have the whole family there to see him and he's not there. His Father hasn't given up yet but it's too late now to invite anybody. He's supposed to go to College this fall, I sure hope he takes a different attitude about this. I guess we'll know by the end of the 1st semester. But he does want a $2000 laptop for a graduation present. He says if we don't get him the one he wants then don't get him one at all. He may be going to college without a laptop lol. My daughter and I both have laptops and they cost $500 each. It's been 2 years and they're working just fine. So that's my current dilemma. And at this stage of the game I've sort of lost interest in the whole graduation myself. Let you know next week how things worked out.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Boring Saturday Night

Yes, it's a boring Saturday night at the Bellamy house. None of my friends are on the computer. My son is out with his friends bowling. My husband ...I don't know what he's doing. Spoke too soon, here he is now kicking me out of the bedroom with my laptop. I swear I want my own room. I spend the majority of my time moving from room to room with my laptop. Very annoying. Anyway, my daughter is in her room reading. It's not that I don't have things to do, I just don't want to do them. So I guess I'll go download some songs for my ipod, that should keep me occupied about 15 minutes. I'm sure you're glad that I decided to share this with you. I do have one other thing I can do. I've got a couple of pictures that I will share with you...I think I'll look at these for awhile too lol.