Yes, it's back. DWTS season 7 starts Monday September 22. I don't know why but this is my favorite program to watch. Maybe because I always wanted to be able to dance and never could. This is my favorite couple this season so wish them well.
My husband has decided that we should take a vacation in December. He wants to go on a cruise (Jackie, if you're reading this I need your help since you are the expert). But I wasn't real excited about it because of finances and he got a little annoyed. Like I said before, my brain left for vacation without me so I am having a hard time thinking lol. So I'm supposed to be researching this and the first part of the research is emailing my sister. Which I will do as soon as I post this blog. Time's a wasting so off I go!
I just noticed that I didn't blog anything for August. And September is half over already. It's not that there isn't anything happening, it's just that my brain seems to have gone on vacation without me.
School started in August. Melissa is a sophmore in High School and Archer is a Freshman in College. Archer is loving College...making a lot of friends and having a great time. Melissa is doing good in school but she doesn't like the school she's going to. It has over 2000 kids there and is just too big. She wants to go to a magnet school instead. We'll see how she feels next week.
I got a new cell phone this week. A lavender phone that came with everything but the kitchen sink. Of course all I use it for is to call out and receive calls. But I loved the color and it was a free upgrade so what the heck. Who knows, someday I might want to take some pictures, film a video, listen to mp3, surf the web or use some of the other options that I have no idea how to use.
So as you can see, not much is happening here. Just life going on from one day to the next.