Sometimes you are unfortunate to have neighbors who are unfriendly, crazy and everybody in the neighborhood has a problem with them. They have a hot line to "city code compliance" which they use frequently. They have a camera posted in the front of their house to keep track of anybody who steps a foot into their yard. My kids soccer ball went into their yard and they went to get it. The neighbor picked up the ball and said "my yard my ball". My husband had to go and get the ball back. Here is their latest gripe. Yesterday we got a letter from the city saying we were scheduled for a mediation with them. Apparently they are unhappy with something else we have done. The only thing we can figure out is that they are complaining about a tree of ours that has some branches hanging over the property line over their house and driveway. They called code compliance on this before and when they came out they said the tree was fine as long as it didn't touch their house and could not damage it in any way. I guess they want us to cut our tree down, which we planted when we first bought the house 22 years ago. Their argument is that they have to sweep up the leaves that fall off the tree. This is the most childish thing I have ever heard of. So I will take pictures of the tree in question and hope they don't make us cut it down. These people must really be bored. They also put a trash can upside down in the middle of their driveway so people can't use their driveway to turn around. Just be glad you don't live next to people like this!!
Looks like your tree provides shade, which would be kind to their utiiity bill Anyway - crazy people are loose everywhere. Just take it one step at a time. And, stock up on balls. They'll get tired of collecting them soon.
LOL Sue. I know nuts like that girl... it takes all kinds to make the World go around...right? Do you want me to come over and um... hmmm what could I do? Throw nuts in their yard?
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